Friday, November 2, 2018

Survival of the Fittest

Breaking Up 

I'm sorry to say that our lovely dose of daily television did have some unintended side effects. One of them being being the demassification of magazines. After the introduction of television, magazines lost a lot of their consumers to the new platform. In order to keep up with the now competitive market magazines were forced to demassify to continue making a profit. After some time pondering,that led me to make my own theory as to how demassification allowed magazines to survive. A topic which we hadn't covered all that well in class.

Before the TV, magazines acted as a mass media that produced something for everyone and a section to meet the needs of every niche possible. The allowed them to maximize the amount of viewers they had make the greatest possible profit. However, when the TV took the spotlight their little niche section in the magazine no longer satisfied them. The overall price wasn't worth it for a magazine that was full of a lot of things that either didn't pertain to or interest readers but for a small section. TV was a much better option.

My theory is that in order to forgo that problem magazines broke up to target a variety of different audiences to increase the draw for magazines. Now, different niches had whole magazine publications customized uniquely to them which significantly increased their probability to buy them. That does still technically mean that there was less people buying the magazines as there was before; however, it was the best possible strategy for magazines to maintain a standing in the media world and popularize the photojournalism sector.

Pineapple Pizza vs Hate Crimes

"Why is it that hate is overpowering love."

-"72 Hours of Hell" by Yaara

   It goes without saying that the all the events of the past week have been horrendous."Why is it that more and more people are fearing there lives when they walk out on the street rather then feeling safe?" questioned Yaara in reference to all the hate crimes that have occurred in such a short span. Her questions were beautifully written in way that changed my perspective from merely considering solutions to the problem but also the reason why. Why has there been so much hate crime recently?

  When I thought about it I started by re-evaluating my personal definition of hate. Hate can mean a variety of things ranging from I hate pineapple pizza to I hate all Muslims. Obviously these are two completely different hatreds. One stems for your personal taste and flavor preferences, but what sparks the other. The more I thought about it the more I realized how generalized it is. You can hate both your arch enemy and cats in totally different ways, and two people can hate pineapple pizzas for two different reasons.

  Personally  I believe the term "hate crime"  is a pretty generalizing term and therefore the solution is not as straightforward as it may seem. If I'm generalizing it I've always viewed the cause of hate crime to be similar to that of bullying. You know the preppy anti bullying videos we watch. Well they don't just apply to school life. I see hate crime perpetrators as bullies times ten. They blame others for problems they find in themselves and/or the world to make themselves feel better. No this is not the only reason but it's my generalized opinion.

   Call me a pessimist but I'm in the boat that believes that hate crimes will never be completely eradicated. There will always be someone who wishes to blame others for their problems; however, there are ways to significantly reduce that number and spread the love. You know the saying love is blind. If thats true then those who commit hate have 20/20 vision. All they see is our differences. I say we cut the labels, and cut our tendency to divide. Obviously this not something that can be done quickly however being united in humanity (while keeping our individuality of course :^) ) and shedding truth on our own personality can help. There will be no happily ever after but there may be a better atmosphere for diverse future generations.



Thursday, November 1, 2018

Netflix trumps War?????

                                        A Wave 3 Revelation

    Earlier today I was doing my routine examination of Wave 3 news when I had reached the national section of the news when I noticed an article titled "Netflix to Give 3 Films an exclusive run in Theaters". At first I made nothing of it filed it off as interesting enough and hurried on to finish my assignment. It wasn't until a little while later when I received a notifications from New York Times regarding an article titled "How the War in Yemen Became a Bloody Stalemate"........think about that. Needless to say my whole perspective changed after that.

    I can not label Wave 3's National Section as interesting enough or relatively relevant because that is just not okay. The world has no lack of stories that need to heard and problems hiding beneath the surface without representation. Their ranking of whats newsworthy and whats not is completely off wack. It goes without being said that the majority of us would rather live in a perfect world where the most important thing we needed to know about the world around us is new Netflix shows going into theaters but that's just not the case. Though they did have a few noteworthy stories such as "Israel's Netanyahu warns Europe of Possible Attacks by Iran" however, that does not excuse them for neglecting other stories.

   Though they may be but a local news site; many citizens only ever take the time to go through but one news site a day meaning if you were checking only Wave 3 everyday you would be getting but a small portion of what you need to know about the world. I am in no way claiming that Wave 3 has to find a way to publish absolutely every important story in the news. They do have their limitations after all. What I'm trying to stress is wasting valuable space on your site to feature information easily overshadowed by more important stories.



90.5 FM and Enrique Iglesias Galore

                  The Universal Language

     Regardless of where or when you'd lived, music is known to have the power to move one to tears of joy or of despair.  Since the beginning of the art form, it has grown and developed in countless ways that have shaped us more then any of us would realize. Sometime around the 1890's we discussed a facet of the development of music that particularly caught my eye. When new recording techniques were discovered, music made the transition to be a multicultural art form that breaks the barriers of time and space.

  No longer was music restricted by regional boundaries. It could be shared across the world and evolved to a form of mass media that could be saved throughout generations. Due to this globalization of music, I believe it played a major role in introducing a new culture birthed by the the mixture of world music. No longer was the divide of music defined by regions for it now found a new divide in genre.

   People young and old, eastern and western, can now listen to the same exact music which was not possible before recorded music. I found this completely incredible in terms of culture and society. It  acts as a way to meld society and gaps between differences among people. Now everyone has access to the same messages found in music as every one else and slowly but surely, it further connects humanity as a whole and are core human values. Regardless of where your from and what language you speak you can now be moved my music from around the world allowing us to bond and connect of something worldwide.

   Despite all the changes in pop culture throughout different generations, the introduction of recorded music has allowed us to retain a very significant part of our history. I am unapologetic to say I am one of the people who cherishes old and classical music in all its forms(90.5 on the radio if you were wondering). Had it not been for recorded music I wouldn't be allowed this insight into society's past. We would not know what people had listened to back then, nor would we understand the changes that caused our culture to shift towards different forms.

Survival of the Fittest

Breaking Up   I'm sorry to say that our lovely dose of daily television did have some unintended side effects. One of them being bein...