Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Fillers Don't Belong in News

             A Big Round of Applause For Wave 3🙄

      "Every day I watch and scroll through Wave 3 news and I'm blown away by how very much essential their information is to my life. They provide just the newsworthy information I need to hear about and keep it relevant. Every singly day I scroll through their unproportional category distribution and truly appreciate how important it was to my day......" said absolutely no one ever.  

    It is in no way far fetched to say that wave 3 contains many articles that are nothing but mindless fillers that could be replaced by much more worthy ones. Through an alternate schedule of 5 days of research, I've already noticed an imbalance of stories with more leaning towards the sports category. 4 of the 5 days, sports was the leading category on the live show with the only exception being  10/24 in which crime made a top appearance with all the acts of violence(ex. Kroger shooting) going around.
   No, it's not because it was a slow news day. Especially not four slow news days. There is plenty of important news on the National if not Local level that can be featured instead. However, they still lead towards more sport based stories. They are not a sports based platform, and the move on their part is merely to draw in and please a larger audience.

   Now for the fillers, the mindless, near comical stories found on the site that are there merely for entertainment. I'll admit that I myself could not help but enjoy and remember a number of articles under this category. For instance "Man accidentally sets house on fire after using a blowtorch to kill black widow spiders" and "Behind the Scenes of Aladdin". However, no matter how entertaining, they take away from time better spent on more important stories.

   Of course all this is not to say that Wave 3 is failing as a publication. Overall, through comparison with other groups, they do manage to find ways to put out the major stories that should generally be published;however, that's it. They do the minimal amount of needed important news and the rest is merely standard news that they believe will draw in the most viewers. 

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